Home > Bed Bug Control > Bed Bug Travel Tips
Every day, millions of people are traveling the world from Point A to Point B. What does this mean for the bed bug population? That it’s going to thrive and reach farther than it ever has before. Why? Well, because bed bugs are still very prevalent in other parts of the world. Bed bugs have to hitch a ride on people or their belongings in order to move about. So people visit other countries, pick up bed bugs and bring them back home with them. However, there are some precautions that you can take to thwart a bed bug infestation while you are traveling so that you don’t become their next victim.
Read any and all hotel reviews you can get your hands on. If there has been a bed bug problem in the past, guests will let people know it. You can read these reviews on various travel websites.
Call the hotel and ask the staff directly if there have been any problems with bed bugs within their hotels.
Large ziplock bags that you can store your belongings like toiletries, shoes and dirty clothes in so that they do not become infested with bed bugs.
Large, disposable bags that your suitcases or luggage can fit inside. Encase your luggage in these bags before going in your room and again when you are packing up to go back home. It seals the bed bugs out and also seals bed bugs in if they happened to find their way inside already.
A flashlight with a strong beam (led is preferred) to inspect your room and belongings for bed bugs.
When you arrive at your hotel room, you should perform a thorough inspection of your surroundings before settling in.
Leave your bags outside the room or in your car while you inspect your room.
Take the bedding off the bed and inspect all crevices of the frame, headboard, and footboard carefully. Pay special attention to the legs on the frame and the creases and folds in the mattress.
Look inside all drawers of dressers and cabinets in the room. Don’t forget the nail holes and hinges as well.
If the room seems to be clear of bed bugs, bring your bags in, but don’t put them on the floor. Always place them on the counter or shelves.
Encase your luggage in the big bags you brought while not in use.
Store the things you need to keep handy in the smaller ziplock bags that you packed.
Report any findings to the hotel manager. If evidence of bed bugs are found, request a refund and find another hotel.
Inspect all of your belongings that were not encased very carefully before loading them into your car.
Check yourself and your family for evidence of bed bug bites. Bumps, redness, and welts are all telltale signs of being bitten by bed bugs. Check the bedding for flecks of blood, too which is another sign bed bugs have been feeding.
When you leave the room, take the luggage out of its casing and throw it away.
Leave your luggage in the car or outside until you’re ready to unpack it.
When you’re ready to wash your clothes, take them from the luggage in another bag to your laundry room.
Wash and dry them on the hottest settings possible. Articles that cannot be washed should be wiped down with alcohol.
Vacuum your luggage and bags thoroughly before taking them inside your home.
Discard any plastic bags or covers that you wrapped your luggage in before you take it inside.
Make sure you dispose of all the bags that were used and then dispose of the vacuum cleaner bag after vacuuming your luggage.
Some of these measures may sound extreme. However, following a strict prevention protocol is the only way you can assure that you and your family will be safe from these critters. Bed bugs are always on the lookout for a host. If the hosts aren’t always on the lookout for them, it gives the pests an unfair advantage. Don’t let bed bugs take advantage of you. Remain diligent and follow these precautions carefully
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