No, they are not! Did you know that you can buy food at the supermarket that is already infested with insects? As a general category, they are called “pantry pests”. They include insects such as Indian Meal Moths, Cigarette Beetles, Confused Flour Beetles and Saw-toothed Grain Beetles – just to name a few.
In the grain-producing industry, usually, grains are fumigated somewhere along the line in the processing in order to kill naturally occurring insect populations. But sometimes pockets are missed or the fuming procedure is not completed properly and eggs or larvae or adults can survive. That’s when you find “seeds” in your processed grain products. These insects typically infest cereal, pasta, oatmeal, spices, boxed mixes and almost anything that comes in a package or box.
When you are shopping at the store in these sections look for flying moths, spilled product on the shelves and webbing on the seams of the packaging. These are all indications that products in that area are infested. Let the store management know so that those items can be removed. Left unchecked, these insects migrate to other products and infest them too.
Other products that can harbor pantry pests include dry pet food, grass seed, dried flower arrangements, potpourri and even Epsom salts! Usually your first indication there is a problem is when you find little crawling insects on your counter or floors. Also, flying moths are a dead giveaway you could have unwanted visitors. Finding and throwing out the infested product usually takes care of it. However, sometimes the source can be hard to find. That’s when you need to put on your detective hat! If you don’t find the source you will not eliminate the problem. Call us if you need more help with this.
As we approach the heart of the holiday season let me thank you for your business, your friendship and your support. Please have a safe and happy holiday with the people you love. And all the best for the New Year!
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