Can you feel it? People are getting excited about spring! They are working in the yard, putting down grass seed and fertilizer and weed eliminator. They’re at the garden store selecting new plants and trees. The weather is warmer and you can actually open the windows – who doesn’t love that?!
But as tempting as it is to leave the doors open, and let the fresh air come in the windows, you can save yourself a lot of trouble with insects later if you check (or install) screens now. Just like taking the right steps for your lawn and garden will pay off this summer, so will excluding the bugs before they get in the house.
Tight fitting, intact screens will keep out flies and mosquitoes as well as ants, wasps and moths. We don’t think about moths that often, but once they fly in they can lay eggs in your pantry food or on your natural fiber clothing. Next thing you know, you have weevils in your cereal and holes in your favorite coat. And once you have them they are a pain to get rid of … so a little prevention is worth the effort.
And while you’re at it, check around your home for cracks in the foundation, around windows and doors, and anywhere they shouldn’t be. This is a great time to caulk – before a pest family moves in. Every year I am called to the same accounts to remove wasps or other pests because the hole they were in wasn’t sealed up. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind the money, but it is easy to prevent these problems!
Check for faucet leaks because ants and other insects need the moisture and move firewood away from your foundation. Firewood is a great please for termites to hang out and then move into your house. Again, money you don’t really want to spend.
If you get a jump on this now you will reduce the pest opportunities for the upcoming summer. Then you can enjoy that beautiful lawn and pretty flowers.