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    Bee Control

    Bumble Bees

    These flying insects are the larger, more round of the bee family. They are helpful for the environment because of their ability to pollinate crops as well as other plants. The bumblebee is considered a social insect because it lives with other bees in nests.

    Color – Yellow

    Length – Up to 1 inch with an oval roundish shape

    Diet – Their diet consists of pollen and nectar from plants. They will often take the food from the plants back to their nest to help feed the colony.

    Habitat – Bumblebees can make nests in the ground or above ground. They can build their nests under decks, patios and in your home in the attic if they find access. Bumblebees will fiercely defend their nests if disturbed.

    Impact – Their impact is mostly helpful given their assistance in pollination of plants and crops. However, if they are disturbed, they are able to chase the source of the disturbance a long distance and can sting more than once, since their stingers are smooth rather than barbed.



    The honeybee is best known for the production of honey and the honey itself becomes a food source for them in the winter helping to sustain the colony. Found throughout the United States, they are very social bees living in large colonies. While their sting can be very painful, they are only able to sting one time since the stinger has a barbed shape and will often get lodged under the surface of the skin.

    Color – Yellow, with brownish-black bands around the body.

    Length – 1/2″

    Diet – Their diet is mainly pollen, nectar and water. It is from this diet that inside their nest they produce honey, which is stored in honeycombs. The honey also becomes a source of food for their young during the winter months. The combination of the food source and size of the colonies allows some colonies to exist for years.

    Habitat – Their nests can sometimes be found in holes and crevices of trees, but if they can find a way in, they have been known to make nests in attics and chimneys.

    Impact – Honeybees are helpful for pollination of crops and the production of honey. However, around your home they can become a nuisance if they are allowed to build a nest. While a honeybee can sting only once, the sting can be quite painful and even more so if the stinger is not removed.

    Carpenter Bee

    If honeybees are the “social” bees, the carpenter bees are the “anti-social” bees. A lone carpenter bee will make a nest only for itself and its young. Many bees do not live in the same nest or hive. Their name is derived from their ability to bore into wood and make nesting channels.

    Color – Yellow and blue-black, without the stripes of a typical bee.

    Length – – 1” or less with an oval shaped body.

    Diet – The carpenter bees collect nectar and pollen to bring back to the nest and feed their young.

    Habitat – Typically, the carpenter bee will drill or bore into soft wood to lay their eggs. They can make channels reaching up to ten feet in length. The female deposits the wood dust outside the nest and it is up to the male to protect the nest.

    Impact – The pollination they provide is helpful, but the carpenter bee has a smooth stinger and therefore can sting more than one time.

    Bees & Wasps Control in the Chicago Area

    Bees and Wasps are common pests in the Chicago Metro area. Select a pest control plan below that works for you and your family.

    All Season Pest Control Plan

    What is included


    Satisfaction Guarantee
    We guarantee to get rid the included pest.

    What is included

    • Ants
    • Beetles
    • Bees
    • Boxelder Bugs
    • Carpenter Ants
    • Centipedes
    • Cockroach
    • Crickets
    • Earwigs
    • Mice
    • Millipedes
    • Pantry Pests
    • Pill Bugs
    • Silverfish
    • Spiders
    • Springtails
    • Rats
    • Water Bugs
    • Wasps

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    * If the infestation is extreme, or the square footage of the home provided does not match, price may need to be amended following the inspection.

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    Our one-time pest control service will get rid of the Bees and Wasps now without a service agreement.

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